Monday, January 26, 2009

Checkpoint 5 - Reflection

kr = .5

Kr = 1.0

kr = 1.0
All the image is with max_depth of 5.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shader Assignment -- By Minh Thu Tran

Default Image:

Modified Image:

3 diff shaders:
I applied surface shader and displacement shader on the spheres.
Extra images:

I used 4 open sources shaders by various author.

This is my contest image, same shaders as about, just different color and frequencies

Water Simulation..

Here is the image the I got using texture map the water on the plane, then use the sin function to variate the amplitude of the water to give the height and depth. Though, I need to find a better water image for this and a different algorithm that convert .bmp files into RGB files.

Next step would be trying to get the bump map to work.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Mid-Quarter update

Title: “The Fractal Valley”
Matthew Kang - Leader
Minh Thu Tran
Computer Graphics II- 4003-571
Instructor's name: Reynold Bailey
Project Web Site :
The project will generate a high-polygon scene involving a mountainous region that surrounds a lake. The valley will be created with a fractal algorithm to create a realistic terrain environment. Time permitting; trees will also be generating using fractals. The lake will be created with various liquid volume techniques in order to effectively simulate a body of water. A “free-look” camera will also be implemented.
Project Objectives
Generating fractal terrain to create a mountain
Create a water material that looks and (to a degree) behaves like water
Relatively high polygon count
Platform: Window XPAPI: OpenGLLanguage: C++
A breakdown of project components, e.g.:
Fractal Generator: An abstract fractal generator that takes an expression and draws polygons based on them.
Water volume: A conglomerate of algorithms to simulate water.
Main Program/Keypress: Plug in fractal algorithm, parameters, draw basic water volume, and camera free-look keypress events.
Project Responsibilities: Minh Thu Tran – design and research (water volumes), implementation, texture map Matthew Kang – design and research (fractal terrain), implementation, texture map.
Project Timeline: Over the break – Research and partially implement general algorithms mid-Quarter – Create a texture-mapped proof-of-concept 8/9th week – Have the scene fully created
10th week – Add extra functionality (trees, lighting effects) 11th week – Practice project demonstration
Status: We currently are still in the research phase, with early implementations down, but not fully functionally as of yet. An abstract fractal algorithm generator is underway, but it still needs more work before it is off the ground.
Assessment of Progress: Our timeline is slightly changed, as we have decided to “cut the fat” and focus solely on fractal terrain generation and bump mapping for the water instead of using Navier-Stroke fluid dynamic. This will give us ample time to get the final scene fully working and satisfactory to our personal expectations.
Revised Timeline:
Over the break – Research and partially implement general algorithms mid-Quarter – partially implement general algorithms 8/9th week – Have the scene fully created
10th week – Revising scene generation and techniques & present on the last day

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CheckPoint 4- Procedural Shading

Checker Board Floor.
Extra- another procedural shading...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Attemp to fix our Phong Model

These are some of the images that I got while trying to figure out why my Phong Model doesn't work ... After I successfully fix the back lit problem .. I ran into problem that the diffuse and the spec are totally backward. I'm totally clueless.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Checkpoint 3 - Basic Shading using Phong Shading Model

One light Source- the color of the floor changed from green to red because
I'm in the middle of working on the procedural shading for the plane.
It was not complete at the time I render these images. This image used Phong Illumination Model.
3 light sources -- you can see 3 different specs clearly on the blue orbs. Still use the Phong Model.

Phong-Blinn Model -It turn out that the halfway vector is much easy to calculate that the reflectant vector. You does see the different in the spec clearly. This image is render with only one light source.
Problem solves! Morals: 1- Don't normalized camera position before calculation. 2 - Check to make sure the angle between light and the surface normal are between 0 -1. 3- Never calculated the intersect of the shadow ray on the primitive of the POI itself.

One light source using basic Phong Shading Algorithm. -

- When there is only one object in the scence, the shading work correctly, but when there is more than one object in the scene, take into account the hidden surfaces and calculated the color of those. I check my vector calculation, it calculated correct, Sphere and Plane Intersect function does return the correct t (least positive root). But I don't know why/what cause the effects.

This is 3 different light sources .. you can see 3 shades with light and dark and color in the shadow because of the color of the light.

This is one light source using PhongBlinn model. You can see the specular on the sphere much clear and nicer.. (even though the position is wrong)..
Here is the partial result that illustrate the problem:
Individual sphere: Each sphere shaded correctly individually.

When I put the two sphere together, the light some how lit the hidden surface instead. I check the logics and vector calculation, everything return correctly.